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Cleaners & Removers

Prepare metal surfaces and remove old coatings for new PropOne applications.


 Recommended preparation cleaner before PropOne application.
 Necessary for new or reconditioned metal surfaces.
 Removes contaminants you can’t see, improving PropOne system adhesion.
 Brightens underwater metals, leaving them looking brand new.

Available in:

  • 1L Prop Wash
  • Prop Wash Wipe

 Removes PropOne Clear Coat.
 Easy application – Brush on and coating will soften/gel within 30 minutes.
 Does not contain toxic Dichloromethane and N-methylpyrrolidone.
 Reduces dust and noise associated with mechanical grinding/sanding.

Available in :

  • 200mL Silicone Remover

 Removes PropOne Primer Coat.
 Easy application – Brush on and coating will soften/gel within 30 minutes.
 Does not contain toxic Dichloromethane and N-methylpyrrolidone.
 Reduces dust and noise associated with mechanical grinding/sanding.

Available in :

  • 200mL Paint Stripper

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